Saturday 21 November 2015

How to rank website easily. An alternative of PBN

Many people are struggling to rank the website by PBN. They purchase high authority costly domains, buy a separate web-hosting for each domain with unique IP ( High cost ), make a website look like real ( time consuming), try to hide the footprints and details ( boring ). But still there are chances to get your website penalized. There are many disadvantages of PBN

1) High cost
2) Difficult to manage
3) Time consuming
4) Always fear of getting penalized

But don't worry, i have a solution for this

Join Now FBN

If you are looking for a blog network that you can use to build high quality links on then FBN could be the solution you are looking for.
By using their system you can gain access to other quality blogs that are within your niches and also to other networks that range in pagerank from 1 – 5 that are general blogs

What is really does is put the power of building great back-links back into your hands!

With access to these other networks by simply joining and adding a few of your own blogs into the system you have the ability to leverage your own blog networks.

This system Michael created also allows any full member to create his or her own networks. You can define what criteria each blog must meet to be accepted into your own networks such as: Pagerank, Type of Niche and Quality of content etc.

Criteria for Site Acceptance For FBN Networks

Before your site is accepted it is checked that it meets the fightback network guidelines. Items such as:
  1. 1) Quality of the Domain (If it was used for spamming previously)

  2. 2)Is the site in another blog network other then FBN

  3. 3) Site must be indexed in Google

  4. 4) Authenticity of Pagerank

  5. 5) Theme – (Can not be a default wp theme)

  6. 6) IP – (Every site in a network must have its own unique ip)

  7. 7) Has the site been submitted into another network on FBN

  8. 8) Does the site contain any codes for Google

  9. 9) Cookie stuffing and click-jacking

If a site fails any one of these they are rejected and if they fail the second item, the member could be banned from FBN permanently.

Try FBN Now with Money Back Guarantee


Once your sites are accepted and you can start posting The Fightback Networks gives you total control.
  1. 1)You can post articles that pass copyscape one at a time or you can upload in bulk as well. (Yes every article goes through a copyscape check and are also moderated for quality)

  2. 2) You can insert links 3 times into an article. The only caveat being each link must go to a different domain if you are doing multiple links.

  3. 3) Inserting images and youtube videos is also allowed

  4. 4) The more blogs you add to the system the more daily posting points you can receive. (Each network inside FBN decides on the daily points amounts) Some are one point a day and others are more.

  5. 5) There are different levels of Blog quality so depending on the level of risk you get to decide what networks you want to belong to.

  6. 6) Creation of campaigns are possible as well, which allows you to set how often you want a post posted if you are doing bulk uploads. It is a great way to set it and forget it, knowing you have posts going out for a week, or a month makes time management much easier.

Join the FBN Now to Boost SEO

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